To access the Share feature, first select the menu icon in the top right corner.

Then select Share.

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to change your library name or custom URL after you click save.

Type your desired Display Name and Custom URL in the window boxes and click save.

At, there is a public library search page that the public can access and search for libraries. If you want your library to be searchable by the public, check the box below. IMPORTANT: Your Custom URL will be still accessible by the public if you share the Custom URL. It will not be searchable if you do not check the box.

After you click save, you can now click the icon below to copy your Custom URL to share. 

After you click save and return to your desing library, you will now see share icons in the top right corner. These icons will make it easy for you to share your library with friends, family, and customers on social media, email, and other sharing platforms.