To access Design Pod Details of particular design, click on a specific thumbnail in the library.
Example: Gingham Christmas Tree with Bow
Included in the Design Pod Details are:
- Thumbnail Image
- Title
- Product Type
- Designer
- Categories and Subcategories
- Notes
- All folders and files
To add, edit, or delete thumbnail images, click on ADD or EDIT buttons below thumbnail image.
To add thumbnail images, click the ADD button. A search browser will appear for you to find and select the image you would like to add. You can add multiple thumbnail images and select which one is displayed in your library. To select the representative image, see the EDIT section below.
To edit the the thumbnail images, click the EDIT button and the window below will be displayed.
There are multiple thumbnail edit options:
- Zoom In or Out
- Delete Thumbnail Image
- Rotate Thumbnail Image
- Set Representative Image. The image selected will be displayed in your library.
To delete a thumbnail image, use the selection buttons to choose the image and click the delete icon.
Selection Buttons
Delete Icon
To rotate thumbnail image, use the selection buttons to choose the image and click the rotate image icon. After you rotate your image, click Save Rotated Image button next to rotate image icon.
Selection Buttons
Rotate Image Icon
Save Rotated Image
To set representative thumbnail image that will be displayed in the library, use the selection buttons to choose the image and click the open box icon next to Set Representative Image button. After you check the box, click the Set Representative Image button.
Selection Buttons
Open Box
Set Representative Image Button