Library - Search and Filtering

Filter by Product Type
Product Type(s) are located at the top of the library above Designers and the Search Window. In addition to the Product Type name, the number represents the...
Filter by Category and Sub-Category
Categories and Subcategories are located on the left side of the library. See below. You can select any category or sub-category to sort your designs....
Filter by Designer(s)
Designer(s) are located at the top of the library below Product Types and left of the Search Window. See below.  Click the dropdown arrow to see all d...
Search by Keyword(s)
The Search Window is located at the top of the library below Product Types and right of Designers. See below.  Click inside the search window to type ...
Favorite Feature
To use the favorite sort feature, click the heart icon on the designs you want to sort as favorites. To see all of your favorite designs, click on the h...